Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Few Bubbles From My Soapbox

Evidently the Seahawks, Russell (God’s Quarterback) Wilson is the NFL’s version of Tim Tebow with talent.  Little Rusty just couldn’t quit gushing and tweeting how God was on their side to win the game over the Green Bay Packers. He never did say what it was that the Packers did to piss God off.

Seems to me, he could have thanked his team for finally waking up from a coma to actually play football for the last two minutes of the game and also to Green Bay for not knowing how to score a touchdown when you are inside the five yard line.

I’m not a Christian, but if I were with all that’s going on in the world, I would be highly insulted about somebody giving God the credit for wining a FUCKING FOOTBALL GAME.

I do believe Russell is a good person and I know he does a lot for charities, but I would just as soon he keep his religious crap to himself.  

While I’m rambling on about religion, it seems to me like war hawks John (Civil War Veteran) McCain and Lindsey (My Panties Are Always in a Bunch Because That’s How I Buy Them) Graham and their necompoop buddies are just dying to get into a religious war.  You know my religion is better than your religion type thing.

I don’t understand this because the boneheads they want to get into a war with are a hundred times more religious than they are. I mean those goobers fall down on their knees and pray about every five minutes when the pseudo religious folks like ole John and little Lindsey make it to church about once a week - if that much, and I suspect it is more to be seen than anything else.

 Stay tuned for future adventures.

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