Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Politics as Usual

Anybody that has read my musing and pondering over the past year know that I really can’t stand politicians and I don’t care which party they cater too.  And from the comments I receive and articles I read, it seems that an awful lot of people feel the same way, especially in light of the crap that is going on in Washington today.

So why is it we keep getting the same ole pinheads in office?  Here is a big reason: a whole lot of folks aren’t voting.  In last November’s general election, only 27% of Texas voted.  27%... This is why nothing is getting done in Texas or Washington.  The sad part is that is exactly what the politicians want.  They don’t want the masses voting and they are doing everything in their power to keep turn-out low, such as the new voting ID laws they have just enacted here in our fair state of Texas and in numerous other states. Low turn-outs keep the incumbents and the unqualified in office. We can bitch, moan and gripe all we want, but until we really start showing up at the polls, nothing is going to change.

So once again we are coming up on a long drawn out presidential race and all of our attention is focused on who’s going to be President.  You can like or dislike the President all you want but our problems aren’t because of who is President.  No matter who is President, the opposition party spends every moment telling everyone what a bad job the President is doing.  This is a smoke screen to keep the spotlight off of the real problem and that is Congress.  They are the one doing the bad job. I thought they wanted to be elected so they could govern?  Silly me.  They want to posture, pose and line their pockets.

They make decisions based on what is good for their party or their career, not what is good for the country.  These are the people who write and enact the laws, rules and regulations for our country and the real sad part is that most of the laws aren’t even being written by them.  They are being written by lobbyist, paid lackeys who work for the highest bidders. 

There is less media coverage of people running for Congress than who is running for President.  When we have elections in off years, we have even lower turnouts. And even our Presidential elections pale in comparison to other countries around the world.  One of the worse things is straight ticket voting.  This is another manipulation set up by parties to keep incumbents in office.

One of the main reasons we have such lousy members of Congress is that people continue to bitch and harp about every Congressman and Senator but theirs.  It’s always the guy in the other district or state that is the screw-up.  A prime example happened recently. Congressman Weiner of New York of the famed “Wienergate” scandal who lied to try to get out of his incredibly stupid act yet his constituents were willing to still back him.  He is an idiot, he lied and he obviously has a major problem, but they were willing to keep him in office.  Fortunately, the rest of the House was not willing to keep him and forced his resignation.   Gee, I wonder why the country is in trouble. 

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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