Friday, February 11, 2011

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

It’s the first year anniversary of my blog  and it certainly has been fun…for me for sure and I hope it has been for you too.  That is the whole point of this exercise after all…. To have fun.

Sleeps Til Noon has picked up quite a few new readers in last few months so I thought I would do an update and maybe re-visit why I began this adventure in the first place.  I am happy to report that Sleeps Til Noon now has readers in 34 countries around the world.  A number of these are in the Middle East which is a big surprise to me.  I’m not sure if I had anything to do with the protest in Egypt or not but I did report that former Vice-President Darth Cheney and President Mubarak use to go water boarding together. You just never know what can set off a spark anymore.

My main purpose is to try to make you smile, laugh or chuckle about things going on in this world today by poking fun at and ridiculing folks to need to be ridiculed.  A lot of this is pointed at politicians for two reasons.  First of all they are easy and I’m lazy and secondly because I don’t the think the forefathers of this country ever intended for politics to be an occupation.  My interpretation is that they wanted people to devote some of their time to public service and then go back to doing what ever it was that they did to make a living.  It was never meant to be a career.  When a person has been in Congress for twenty years, I don’t think it is experience, I think its baggage.

Celebrities also are fair game because they are celebrities.  The ones I really like to pick on are celebrities who have never done anything to become a celebrity other than being born rich or doing something dumb.

I am also a big reader.  I love books and read constantly, so I like to pass along recommendations when I come across a really good read.  This past year I burned through 145 books, mostly fiction but a number of non-fictions.  I don’t give reviews; I just recommend it if I think it is a really good read. 

I do hope you continue to read and enjoy Sleeps Til Noon. If you get a laugh out of it, please share it with your friends and if you don’t care for it, pass it along to people you don’t like.

Stay tuned for future adventures.


  1. Congrats on the Year of blogging my friend...Stay happy & keep smiling and writing..



  2. Congratulations on a whole year of blogging!

    Is there any cake left?
