Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Cancer On Politics

I was talking to one of my Republican friends the other day. Yes I have a number of friends who are Republicans, we don’t agree much on politics but we are friends. I remember before Karl Rove and Lee Atwater came on the scene that most people could be on different sides of the aisle and still be friends.

Then Karl and his mentor Lee came along and made emotional wedge issues and other hot buttons that have no place in politics the main talking points. They concentrated on divisive points, not things that unite us but stuff that divide us. These are things that have nothing to do with running the country.

If you don’t believe in abortion, then I strongly urge you to never have one. If you don’t believe in gay marriage, then for God’s sake, don’t marry a gay person. But it’s none of your business if other people want to do both of these things.

Lee Atwater was a very mean, despicable person. In a campaign in South Carolina, he made fun of a 16 year old suicidal kid who had gone through electroshock therapy. He also created the Willie Horton ad for Daddy Bush. Lee ended up with brain cancer and lived the rest of his life in a wheelchair. It seems Lee discovered Jesus after he got sick and apologized for the way he had treated people. Sorry a little too late for me. Fuck him.

Karl Rove is made of the same cloth. Everything is about getting elected, nothing is about governing or actually running the country. Mostly it’s about getting elected so they can run up their bank account. After getting elected, politicians have one priority, getting re-elected. Everything else is secondary.

If we are ever going to get politics back to where we can discuss the real issues, issues that have to do with the betterment of our country, we have to weed these assholes out of it. As long as we have political consultants like this, political pundits with their agenda and the corporate world being involved in political decisions, we will end up with a sorry crop of politicians like we have today. I feel the same way about Karl as I do Lee. Fuck him too.

I was talking with another Republican person, not my friend, who was railing about those horrible immigrants coming over here and taking everything, our jobs, speaking a language we don’t understand and even killing people. I said, “I guess you know how the Indians felt.” By the way, fuck him too.

Today's good read is The Ice Princess by  Camilla Lackberg.  A excellent murder mystery and very well written.

 Stay tuned for future adventures

1 comment:

  1. Rod I can agree with 2 out of 3 points..except the illegals that come over and don't get their green card and I have taxes to pay for their welfare programs. Other than that point I loved the article and agree.
