Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sleeping Pills Are A Real Eye Opener

I know some of you out there won’t believe this because you know that I do like to sleep late in the mornings, but sometimes I have trouble getting to sleep at night. So I checked into a couple of sleeping aides, Cymbalta and Lunesta.

Here are a few of the side affects that are possible when taking these drugs. Prolonged drowsiness the next day, confusion, forgetfulness and dry mouth, an unsafe drop in blood pressure, itching of the skin, increased white blood cells, leg cramps, sore joints, rashes, welts, blisters, nausea, sweating and shaking, stuttering, hallucinations, addiction, bleeding gums, migraines, shortness of breath and hic-ups.

There is also gout, acne, baldness, amnesia, rickets, hoof and mouth disease, loss of hearing, fever, chills, ulcers, cavities, muscle spasms, blindness, ear infections, heart murmurs, psoriasis, stomach cramps, gas, halitosis, under arm chaffing, bunions, diarrhea, warts, jock itch, in-grown toe nails, corns, yeast infections, malaria, fever blisters, uncontrollable drooling and hemorrhoids.

Did I mention vomiting, poor coordination, clap, jaundice, extreme fatigue, sore throat, nasal congestion, dandruff, weight loss, anemia, skin lesions, constipation, athletes’ foot, erectile dysfunction and a swelling of the spleen and liver?

I think I will just stick to counting sheep.

And now for something completely different.

This just in from Pennsylvania, Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see the point of repealing the health care law, so therefore there will be six weeks of crying by John Boehner.

To show my support for the Green Bay Packers, I’m going to watch the Super Bowl at Chucky E Cheese.

The biggest loser on The Biggest Loser is the viewer.

A new study reports that apparently, money can purchase a whole lot of happiness. Now there is a news flash for you. I don’t how much they spent on this report but I could have told them that for free.

I understand CBS might be changing the name to: Two and Half Men, Five Hookers, and a Kilo.

Stay tuned for future adventures

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