Wednesday, February 16, 2011

PALINTOLOGY...The Study of Sarah

This is an alternate crop of an image already ...
 Here are a few thoughts about Sarah Palin.  I know there are a lot of folks out there that think she ought to be President.  That’s fine, what a boring world it would be if we all thought the same way.  I don’t think so and here are some of the reasons I think she would be a terrible President.
Let’s look at her governing record.  She was mayor of a small town and then Governor of Alaska, for half a term.  SHE QUIT…..
Now let’s take a look at Alaska, the largest state in the union.  Did you know it has the smallest population?  Rhode Island which is the smallest state has about 350,000 thousand more people than Alaska does.  There are over 60 cities in the US that have bigger populations than Alaska.  Sorry but there are many mayors in the country that work with much larger budgets and have far more governing experience than Sarah.  The bottom line is they completed their terms.  SHE QUIT…..

She has the propensity to stick her foot in her mouth more often than Nancy Pelosi or Joe Biden and that’s saying something.  I was going to say she lies a lot but she’s a politician and they all lie a lot, so that’s moot.  She is great at throwing out little sound bites and talking points that some hack has thought up in a lobbyist’s back room to keep from talking about real issues but I have never heard her say anything that sounded like an original idea.  If you ask a Republican how to cure cancer, they will tell “Cut taxes.”  It’s their only answer.

 I don’t think she has any vision, plan or goal for America.  She just wants to be President. Now I’m just guessing here but I think being President of the United States is a much bigger job than being Governor of Alaska and if she can’t cut the mustard in that gig….SHE QUIT… why would I believe she can make it four years as President?  

The main thing I want in the President of the United States is that they be smarter than I am.  Sorry but I’m light years ahead of this woman and I’m not even the smartest person in my own family. This is the problem I had with “W”.

I could care less if Sarah makes a gazillion dollars selling books, making speeches to who ever is willing to pay her or doing TV shows.  She can run her mouth as long as she wants.  I just don’t want her running the country.

Today’s good read is a blog.  Check out   I look forward to reading Juanita everyday and I think you will too.
Stay tuned for future adventures.
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