Thursday, February 10, 2011

News From Around The World And Up Your Block

I saw where former Vice-President Darth Cheney said that Egyptian President Mubarak is a good friend.  Why does that not surprise me?  I think they use to go water boarding together.

Workers in Egypt have gone on strike.  They say they won’t build another pyramid until Mubarak leaves.

Donald Rumsfeld’s new memoir is eight hundred pages long.  What a blowhard!  He could have done it in three words,“I fucked up.”

I remember in November of last year when Governor Rick (How do you like my hair-do?) Perry, serial politician, was telling us how great the state of Texas was doing under his dynamic leadership and now we hear the state has a 15 to 20 billion dollar deficit.  Damn, the month of December must have been a bitch. 

Bristol Palin is writing a memoir.  Am I missing something here?  She’s twenty years old. I figure it should be about two pages long: "I had a baby and then went dancing."  The End... Bristol says she was inspired by her favorite author Snooki.

Prosecutors have decided to file charges against Lindsay Lohan for stealing a $2500 dollar necklace.  Looks like Lindsay’s criminal career is progressing nicely from drug abuse to theft.  She is moving from rehab to re-jail.

A survey shows that the day after the Super Bowl more people called in sick than any other day of the year. It seems the Steelers jumped the gun and called in a day early

I am sick and tired of Mother Nature dragging her cold front through town.  I didn’t sign up for cold weather when I moved to Houston.  I sorta get it now why Sarah Palin says so many stupid things.  I think her brain is frozen.

Stay tuned for future adventures.


  1. Re Smilin' Rick, check out this,0,573520.column

  2. Excellent Blog Rod, as always. I like the sense of humor and the timeliness of your material. I know you research it and read a lot cause it shows in your presentation. Keep up the great work.
