Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Preachers, Pimps and Politicians

In the world of Rod, the two lowest rungs on the ladder belong to Politicians and Preachers.  My feelings about politicians began with President Richard (I’m not a crook) Nixon and his Vice-President Spiro (I am a crook) Agnew.  When these two creeps got to the highest office in the land, I decided politicians were the lowest of the lows.

There have been a few, very few I might add, since then that have made me feel any different. I do not believe in serial politicians.  Politics was not meant to be a career.  I think it is wonderful to spend a short period of time in being a public servant and then you should go back to a real career.  Long term politicians do not gain experience, they only collect baggage. 

In today’s world of politics, it takes so much money to get elected, that you are beholden to so many people when you start the job, that you can’t make hard decisions that are right or meaningful to the country.  There is no governing going on, just constant campaigning.

The Senate today has 56 millionaires and 58 lawyers. The median wealth of a U.S. Senator in 2009 was $2.38 million. Over fifty percent of the Congressmen in Washington are millionaires and 170 of them are lawyers.   The wealthiest member of Congress has a minimum net worth of $167.55 million. 

So basically the laws are being made and the country is being run by millionaire lawyers.   By the way many of these people were not millionaires when they entered politics.  Isn’t that interesting?

The list of preachers that have fallen by scandal is a long one.  Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Baker, Ted Haggard, Bishop Eddie Long to name a few.  I don’t know too much about Joel Osteen other than he has the largest congregation in the United States and he is right here in Houston.  He did catch my eye the other day when he said homosexuality was a sin because it was in the scriptures.  I wonder if he believes its ok to kill your kids if they don’t obey you.  That’s in the Bible too.

One of the most recent scandals came from Rev. Cedric Miller the pastor of the Living Word Christian Fellowship Church in New Jersey who said Facebook was a "portal to infidelity."  It appears he has a few skeletons in his closet. 

It seems he had a three-way sexual relationship with his wife and a male church assistant. In court testimony he gave in April 2003, Miller said his wife had an extramarital affair with the church assistant. Miller said he participated in many of the sexual encounters and said the assistant's wife was sometimes present, too. Miller said the dalliances — which occurred in the Millers' home — sometimes took place during Thursday Bible study meetings and Sundays after church.

 Wow, a threesome. This gives a whole new implication to the Holy Trinity or Sermon on the Mount.  How about “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?”  Also, I would think that St. Peter was a big focus in the Bible study meetings along with chants of “Oh God, Oh God.” ….. Your rod and your staff take on completely different meanings as well as the laying on of hands.  Instead of the missionary work, I think they were mostly studying the missionary position.  I’m not sure but I would imagine speaking in tongues had a part in there somewhere.
It’s amazing how these jerks seek out the spotlight of national publicity only to find that it is a giant bug zapper. 

Pimps are one rung up but have very much in common with politicians and preachers.  They are never involved in the actual screwing but do receive a financial benefit from the action.  Of course now days they go by different names, sports agent, talent agent, radio consultant, political guru and chief of staff just to name a few.

Today’s good read is Rouge Island by Bruce DeSilva.  This is his first novel and I look forward to many more. It has great characters that are well written.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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