Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sleeps Til Noon Declaration

I think congratulations are in order to Steve Jobs. Seems Apple has dropped the app “Manhattan Declaration.”  It’s an anti-gay app which condemns same sex marriage and abortion.  The Manhattan Declaration is a group that was founded by Chuck Colson.  If you’re my age, that name rings a bell.

He was Richard Nixon’s hatchet man while Tricky Dick was screwing the country and he went to prison because he was smack in the middle of Watergate. He was once quoted saying “I would run over my grandmother to get Nixon re-elected.”  Nice guy, huh.  It’s very obvious that family values are important to him.

After he was indicted, he found Jesus.  Isn’t it funny how that happens?  Most people thought it was convenient timing.  He was sentenced to three years and did seven months.   So here he is lecturing the world about public morality.  What a creep.

Here is the Sleeps Til Noon declaration. I think it’s App.  If you are against abortion, then you should never have one under any circumstance.  If you are against gay marriage, you should never marry a gay person. 

I see where Bill O’Rielly called “The Simpsons” pinheads.  No, they are cartoon characters Bill.  I believe we know who the real “Pinhead” is here…..

According to news reports, Black Friday was great and Cyber Monday did a billion dollars worth of business on-line.  I guess the economy is doing better than all those Tea Party candidates claimed after all. 

Having Bristol Palin as spokesman for Abstinence is like hiring Michael Vick to head up the Humane Society or Charley Sheen to be the national representative for AA.   

Stay tuned for future adventures and look for more Sleeps Til Noon

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