Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Inquiring Minds Want To Know.

I have had a number of people ask me about the name of my blog and if I really do sleep til noon.  I sleep til noon some days and would like to sleep til noon everyday but unfortunately I don’t get to.

Sleeping til noon is actually harder than it sounds.  Especially when you live in the world of barking, yapping, howling, growling, moaning dogs.  There are so many dogs in my neighborhood that sometimes it feels like I’m sleeping in a kennel.  There is also all the chirping, singing, whistling birds including a crowing rooster. 
Yes I have rooster in the area.  I don’t know if he has insomnia or if his body clock is screwed up but he crows at 4am or at 11am and sometimes 11pm.  I’m not sure where he lives or I would have already taken him down to meet the nice folks at KFC.
Another thing that makes it hard to sleep til noon is that the rest of the world is geared around getting up early.  Way too damn early if you ask me.   There is the phone, trash pick-up, the neighbors firing up their diesel trucks at 6am and school busses stopping and starting just to name a few loud irritating sounds that will completely destroy a great dream sequence.

I have been fortunate that I have had very few eight to five jobs in my life. One of the best things about being a writer is that I get to write when I feel like it and it is either flowing or not.  When it’s not flowing, you can’t force it. I sleep late and I work late, some of my best stuff comes at 2am.

All my life I have been a night owl and I have enjoyed sleeping late when I can and I have always been kidded, harassed and griped at for it.  So here’s the deal.  I have a loving wife that lets me sleep late whenever I can and to the rest of the world I say, my sleeping habits have no bearing on your life whatsoever, so get over it……

Today's good read is a book that came out a few years ago.  It is The Traveler by John Twelve Hawks.  It is the first book of The Fourth Realm Trilogy.  The second book was The Dark River and the third which has just been released is The Golden City.

Stay tuned for future adventures and be sure and check 
for more Sleeps Til Noon stuff.

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