It seems the picture Bret Farve texted to the woman with the New York Jets was just a regular picture of him and not of his genitals, which proves that Bret really is a dickhead.
TSA agents are starting new pat down procedures at airports. The agents are doing a full pat-downs including sliding a hand up the inside of your pants leg. Airlines are reporting a large increase in 18-24 year old male passengers.
Evidently the only true reality show on television is Two & Half Men staring Charlie Sheen.
I just saw a Rick Perry ad that said “Obama’s policies would destroy our health care system as we know it.” First of all, Obama is not running for Governor of Texas and secondly we pay more and get less in our health care system that just about every country in the world. Gee, sure wouldn’t want to change that.
Looks like St. Peter has booked “Danno”.
Randy Quaid said that he and his wife’s lives were in danger because they were being stalked by “Hollywood Star Wackers”. I don’t think Randy ever qualified under the “Star” category. Maybe if they were being stalked by the “Hollywood WannaBeStar Wackers”
Billy Ray Cyrus and his wife are getting divorced. Billy Ray issued this statement to the press. “But don't tell my heart, my achy breaky heart
I just don't think it'd understand
And if you tell my heart, my achy breaky heart
He might blow up and kill this man,Ooo”
Well it seems that Rand Paul, son of Ron Paul is a chip off the ole block. Or maybe I should say blockhead. Maybe Mrs. Paul should have fed them more than fish sticks for every meal.
Charley Sheen got a text from Bret Farve that said “THANK YOU.”
I just saw where a guy robbed a bank inside of a grocery store. Man I knew groceries were going up but that’s ridiculous.
So Bret Farve may not play this week because he has a broke foot? What’s the deal? He’s not the kicker.
Today's good read is The Lion by Nelson DeMille, one of my all time favorite authors. This is the sequel to The Lion's Game and it is a great read.
Stay tuned for future adventures and be sure and for more Sleeps Til Noon.
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