It reminds me of Daddy Bush and the Willie Horton ad years ago. Here are two people that have spent their entire life in politics and as far as I can tell, have never done one thing that has benefited anybody but themselves.
Rick (how do you like my hair-do) Perry who thinks students should be able to carry guns on campus, made pov virus vaccine mandatory for young girls, and has us pick up the tab for his $10,000 a month house and tried his best to ram the highway corridor down our throats so he could make a pile of money, is a lying, slimy, sleaze ball politician. Over 16 million dollars has been given in state technology grants to companies run by Perry’s top donors.
This bonehead has even talked of Texas seceding. I guess Governor is not enough, he would rather be king. I wonder why he has refused to debate Bill White. Could it be that he doesn’t have the IQ to get into a verbal battle without his spin doctors in the wings?
The sad part about this whole saga is that I am pretty sure Rick(smiling and lying) Perry is going to be a three-time winner and the state of Texas will be a three-time loser.
Stay tuned for future adventures and be sure check for more Sleeps Til Noon.
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