Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Time and Time Again

Well there is daytime, night time, summer time, winter time, daylight savings time and on time.  Too little time, too much time and out of time.  Time in and time out, times up and time to come in.  Let's not forget down time, over time, time to go and time to leave.

Then there is slow time and fast times, time is money and times awasting.  Anybody remember Twine time, or Crying Time Again, Time of the Season, or This Could Be The Last Time?  How about there is no time like the present, times like this, dinner time, nap time and personal time.

Not to mention good times and bad times, and seems like old times.  There is Mountain time, Miller time and just plain ole time for a cold one.  Of course there is news time, prime time, New York Times and time for a word from our sponsor.  And the all important full time, half time and quarter time.  Did I say break time, past time and there is a time and place for everything.   Oops, I almost forgot my time, your time, our time and real time.

But anytime I hear "Hey kids, what time is it?"(I'm showing my age here or I should say my time on the planet so far) it's Howdy Doody Time.

Before my time is up I want to recommend a good read, Hot Springs by Stephen Hunter.  

This is the first one and still my all time favorite in the Earl, Bob Lee Swagger series.  This the one that started it all.

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