Well you can add another name to “The Clinton Body Count,” because Hillary absolutely buried Trump last night. It was quite entertaining watching Trumpy Poo turn into a ranting incoherent buffoon on national TV.
It is very clear that Donald (Little DICK-tator) Trump is running for
I can see why Trump is making his move to be Dictator of America because he spent most of the night trying to convince everyone that America is a Third-World country.
Trump was adamant about being against the war in Iraq, even though he is on record saying he was for it. I find it odd that the only person Trump ever told that he was against the war was Sean (Total Asshole & Proud Of It) Hannity. I mean why would anyone tell Sean anything?
Texas Lt. Governor Dan (Obsessed With The Ladies Bathroom) Patrick told every one this week that his number priority in this year's legislature is to keep boys out of girls bathrooms. I believe there has almost been as many of these incidents happening as voter fraud. Last count was zero.
I have said for many years that I think Wolf (Real Name, Dodo Bird) Blitzer is the most useless newsman in the entire world, but now I believe he does have an equal in Chuck (My Last Job Was A Reporter For The Weekly Reader) Todd.
Stay tuned for future adventures.
Trump was sniffling all night. He was also behaving very much like Charlie Sheen. All that practice with his Fox News friends and he delivers the worst debate performance in history. No wonder he has all those bankruptcies. What a clown.