Friday, December 4, 2015

Guns R’ Us

So this week’s mass shooting in California was the 355th of the year and the key word to remember here is SHOOTING.  It was not the 355th stabbing, bludgeoned to death with a bat, golf club, big stick or tire iron, strangled, poisoned, run over with a car, bus or train. No, it was done with a GUN.  I noticed that the media hasn’t said what “well regulated militia” the shooters were a member of.  Come to think of it, they haven’t said that about any of the mass shooters in the last twenty years. Isn’t that interesting?

Let’s face it folks, the TeaNut Republican answer to all of this crazy shit of praying not get shot is not working. Evidently the TeaNuts believe gun rights are more important than the right to live.  I think it is time for America to quit being number one in the world in mass shootings.  My Xmas wish for Ted (My I.Q. And My Gun Are Both 44’s) Nugent and his gun nuts buddies out there is to please take their head out of their ass and replaced it with the 2nd amendment.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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