Friday, November 20, 2015

There's Dumb And There's Dumber

Texas Congressmoron Louie (I Really Am As Dumb As I Look) Gohmert  really is as dumb as he looks.  A local bonehead rancher here in Lufkin, Texas, Simon (Bullshtter Extraordinaire) Winston has decided to run against Louie next election.  Ole Simon who I understand has more bullshit than the Fort Worth stockyards says Loony Louie doesn’t get anything done and he can prove it because Louie is debt.

I think Slimy Simon’s thinking is along these lines.  The majority of the members of Congress are millionaires and a large number of these millionaires WERE NOT millionaires until after they got to Congress. So if Loony Louie is actually a hundred thousand in debt, it means he is even too dumb to steal.

Little Simon has the family pedigree to back up his right-wing nut ideology.  Seems his 83 year old momma was the person who paid for an extremely distasteful anti-Obama billboard in Lufkin a few years ago that caused quite an up roar.  I understand Simon’s campaign motto is, “If you’re into Dumb, I’m the one.”

More Kentucky voters are coming forward about being upset with their new Governor elect Matt (Just Another Horse’s Ass From Kentucky) Bevin who ran on a platform of destroying Medicaid expansion is actually doing it.  When a woman who was upset about it was asked why she voted for him, she replied, “I’m just a die-hard Republican.” No actually you are a die-dead with out insurance Republican.

Loseranna Governor Booby (Jihad) Jindal has dropped out of the Presidential race.  He said he came to realize it wasn’t his time after the latest survey showed that only 2/3’s of his family knew who he was. 

All of the Republican candidates running in the Presidential race have actually agreed on something.  They are for expanding the Trump plan and are all for building a wall around the entire United States. 

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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