Monday, November 2, 2015

The Sad Saga of The Elephant Men Continues

A quick review of last week's Republican debate debacle.
We learned that Dr. Ben (NutJob Neurosurgeon) Carson mumbled that he had absolutely no involvement with Mannatech, the supplement company that was fined millions of dollars for fraudulent advertising, other than going around the country making speech's for them and making videos explaining how great their products are.    He said they have great products which can cure everything from  acne to leprosy and if anybody was feeling a little nausea from the debate, that he had a couple of cases in the trunk of his car that he would let go at a bargain.
Former preacher, musician, Governor and talk show blowhard  Mike (I Need A Job) Huckabee told everyone that he had no weaknesses.  In fact he said through the power of Jesus he could walk on water, heal the sick, and raise the dead.  He also said he was faster than a speeding bullet and could leap tall buildings with a single bound.
Texas Senaterrible Rafael (I Don't Have A Clue) Cruz went on a rant about the media and said moderators of the debate were not asking the questions that the public desperately wanted to know. Things like what was their favorite color and which TV shows did they watch.  He said since the debate was about economic policies that they should have been asking questions like, if an apple cost ten cents and Johnny spent ten dollars, how many apples did he get?
Jeb (At Least I'm Not Neil) Bush got into a big fight with Marco (I Have A Sugar Daddy) Rubio when he told little Marky that he wasn't doing his job as a Senator.  Rubio immediately fired back, "Am too" to which Jeb shouted "Are not".  This went on for about 15 minutes until they were both put in "Time out."

 New Jersey Governor Chris (I'll Close That Bridge When I Get To It) Christie only had one thing to say all evening.  He asked if they were going to take a break and have snacks.

Donald (Hair-Brained) Trump kept asking why he wasn't number one in the polls anymore and said that if he didn't win the caucus in Iowa, he was going to build a wall around the state.
When Snarly Carly (I Can Run Any Company Into The Ground) Fironia was asked if she considered herself a successful CEO, she said, "Hell yes, I put 21 million dollars in my bank account and scored another 21 million in stock benefits and if that ain't successful I'll kiss your ass on main street." 

The main thing we learned from last week debacle is that the moderators were too mean.  The RNC (Republican NutJob Crew) said that debates were not the place to ask tough questions. They said the tough questions should be asked and answered far, far away from the public and press.

 Stay tuned for future adventures


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