Friday, October 16, 2015

I'm Just Sayin'

There are 435 members in the House of Representatives consisting of 247 Republicans and 188 Democrats. So how is it that about 40 of these boneheads who comprise what is called the Freedom Caucus can stop any progress on anything they don’t like? I’m not a math genius but these numbers don’t add up to being able to control anything. It seems like the other 395 or so members could take them out back and slap some responsibility into them. 

I understand the House of Representatives is down to using Craig’s List to finding a new leader.

I see where Donald (Hair-Brained) Trump and Dr. Ben (Nut Job Surgeon) Carson are threatening to boycott the next Republican Debate Debacle if it runs too long.  I can understand this.  When you only have about two minutes knowledge on any given subject, two hours can seem to be an eternity.  

Is this the wurst or what?

Today is National Boss’s Day.  They say this is the day that you can tell your boss what you think of him or her.  Sometimes it's known as Kiss your job good-bye day. It is also National Dictionary Day, so before you tell your boss what you think, you might look up the meaning of unemployment. 

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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