Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Bubbles From My Soap Box On A Hump Day

The job nobody wants.

Through out America’s short history, and it is short compared to the rest of the world, we have had a number of people who have run for President that were totally unqualified and completely out of their realm of experience to handle the job. Unfortunately some of these boneheads even got elected. Hoover, Grant, Buchanan, Harding, Nixon, Reagan and both Bushes to name a few ran the gamut from mediocre to terrible. I  believe that when it comes to being so far-removed from reality to be able to even comprehend what the job entails, Dr. Ben (NutJob Surgeon) Carson is without a doubt at the top of the list.

Something is seriously wrong with this man.  I’m not sure if it is a mental illness that can be diagnosed or if he is that far out of touch with the rest of the world.  Possibly the good doctor saw Snarly Carly (I Can Run Any Company Into The Ground) Fiorina’s numbers go up after she blatantly lied about Planned Parenthood during the last Republican Debate Debacle so he decided that lying is a good thing.

First he told the bullshit story about being confronted by a gunman in Popeye’s Restaurant and now he told a totally fabricated story claiming Russian President Valdimir (Watch Out I’m) Putin and Iran’s Supreme leader Ali (I Really Am A) Khamemei being classmates in college. There is absolutely no evidence of this, plus they are several years apart in age and wouldn’t have been in school at the same time.    

Last week he said in a radio interview that legalizing gay marriage would lead to polygamy and of course after that I’m sure would be sex with animals and then fruit followed by sex with inanimate objects…Oh wait, we already have that. 

Bottom line is that out of the 44 Presidents we have had, only a few have made a difference by their accomplishments.  Most have been mediocre to down right useless, so the good part to remember is that no matter who wins, we will survive.

I really am tired of all the emails and ads on Facebook about Uber drivers.  When a Uber driver wins the Indy 500, I’ll pay attention.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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