Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday boneHead Lines

I believe the Republican Party can now officially change their name to The Benedict Arnolds.  47 Republican Senators have sent a letter to Iran telling them not to deal with the President.  If that is not treason, I don’t know what is.  These boneheads must have a lot of money tied up in military defense stock because they are just dying to start another war.

Former ambulance chaser, full time misleader, Texas Senaterrible Ted (Look At Me, Look At Me) Cruz has written a book.  Well his name is on the title but I seriously doubt that he wrote anything other than his name. Anyway the title and I’m laughing quite hard right now so if there are any typos, ignore them, is Time For Truth.

The ironic thing about that title is it really is time for truth.  Truth from little Teddy that is. Politifacts which is in the truth finding business says that liar, liar, pants on fire Teddy only tells the truth about 20% of the time. The only person Teddy is more truthful than is Bill (America’s Bully) O’Reilly.

The problem with the Hilary email scandal is that there is no scandal.  Once again the TeaNut Republicans are playing the sky is falling game because that is the only game they have.

Here is news flash for you.  Lindsey (I Need Another Mint Julep) Graham says he has never sent an email.  Well of course, why would anyone who still lives in the 1950’s send an email.  

Stay tuned for future adventures

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