Wednesday, March 11, 2015

50 Shades Of Stupid

After the video of the Oklahoma University frat boys singing a song with racial slurs went viral, the Governor issued a statement saying that Oklahomans were not racist, they just didn’t like black people.  The Oklahoma state legislature condemned the video immediately saying the camera work was shaky and that it was hard to understand the words.  Oklahoma TeaNut Senaterrible Jim (I’m Not A Scientist, But I Am A Moron) Inhofe, who believes Climate Change is a hoax, said that he thought the video was a fake.  He said he had seen the Broadway musical Oklahoma nine times and he didn’t remember that song.

Former Texas Governor Rick (All Hair, No Integrity) Perry was running his mouth at a Republican fundraiser last week and said, “Thomas Paine wrote that ‘the duty of a patriot is to protect his country from his government.”  The problem is that Thomas Paine didn’t say that. I’m pretty sure it was Richard Thomas on The Waltons. Ricky pooh thought that John Boy was the coolest.

Florida Governor Rick (I Really Am As Creepy As I Look) Scott is a TeaNut Republican who believes in freedom of speech except for those words he doesn’t like.  He has banned the employees of the EPA in Florida from using “global warming” and “ climate change.”  Little Ricky also doesn’t like or believe in the words, honesty, integrity, and truthfulness.

Utah state Represenitive Paul  (Not Only Am I A Mormon, but I’m Also A Moron) Ray has sponsored a bill to use firing squads instead of lethal drugs. He said he would bring in Donald (I Have A Bad Hair Day Everyday) Trump to do the honors. He said nobody says “you’re fired” like the Don. 

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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