Monday, June 9, 2014

GOP...Group of Pinheads

The Texas Republican convention cranked up in Fort Worth last Friday and Texas Senaterrible Ted (Look at Me, Look at Me) Cruz was hauling out more red meat than the Mad Butcher. This is the most bullshit that has come out of Fort Worth since they opened the stockyards.

TeaNut Teddy seems to think the Constitution is under attack and his precious religious freedom is going to be no more. Little Teddy ought to actually read the constitution before he shoots his mouth off about stuff in it.  The first amendment says. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”  The first amendment is there to protect us from religious persecution. 

America is not a Christian country; it is a country of 360 million people who have all different kinds of beliefs and religions. The constitution is there to keep assholes like little Teddy from shoving their religion down our throat.

Of course TeaNut Teddy had to name drop Ronnie (The B-Movie Actor) Reagan who seems to be the only acceptable Republican presidential hero.  Funny how they never bring up anyone named Bush.

Yeah ole Ronnie, bad actor, bad President: now that is somebody to look up to.   

And at the end of the day it is no wonder that these boneheads are referred to as the Party of NO. Here is there platform for 2014.

The Republicans are still throwing a hissy fit about Obama releasing the five prisoners last week but never made a peep when George Warmoner Bush released 500 prisoners from Gitmo.  That selective amnesia sure comes in handy when you are a member of the GOP.

And here is the best article I have seen on the Tea Party yet. .

Thanks to Maris and Doyle for the heads up on the NY Times article. 

Stay tuned for future adventures. 

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