Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday Follies

The “American Spring” protest rally where promoters said over ten million people would march on Washington D.C. to arrest Obama and throw him in jail doesn’t seem too springy.  It was suppose to start around 10am today and it is now one o’clock CDT.  So far it looks like about twenty people have shown up.  Maybe the promoters said ten people would show up, anyway  I am pretty sure most of them didn’t have bus fare from North Carolina or bail money, either that or Washington State is being run over by wing-nuts with guns and no maps.   

The 2014 Congress is set to be the most do-nothing Congress in our history.  Actually I think the correct title would be Do-Nothing Right Congress.  What they have done is cut food stamps, cut off unemployment checks, and hand out corporate tax breaks.  Yes sir your tax dollars at work…I mean loafing as usual.

Wolfeboro, New Hampshire Police Commissioner Robert (I Am Old, Cranky and Really Ignorant) Copeland has refused to apologize for using the n-word to describe Obama.  He went on to say “For this, I do not apologize — he meets and exceeds my criteria for such.”  And I would like to say that Robert meets my criteria for using the S word (Stupid), A word (Asshole), D word (Dipshit), B word (Bonehead), and R word (Racist). He may be the long arm of the law but he is extremely short on brains. 

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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