Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday Musings

Texas Senaterrible Little Teddy (Me,Me,Me, Look at Me) Cruz has decided since he did such a great job stopping Obamacare, that now he is going to stop same sex marriage. Ted says that the Bible tells us that a traditional marriage is between one man and one to three hundred women.  Next I understand Teddy is going to have the Law of Gravity repealed.

Texas Congressmoron Steve (I Really Don’t Have a Clue) Stockman is back in the headlines. Little Stevie is running to unseat Texas Senaterrible John (I’m Not Dumb, I’m Just Mean) Cornyn in the upcoming Senate race. Steve is suing Cornyn’s PAC saying that they ran lies about him being in jail multiple times in his life.  The problem is that little Stevie admitted in two interviews, one in a Dallas paper and the other in a Houston paper in 1995, that he had been in jail a number of times. Boy that selective amnesia can really bite you in the ass. 

Steve’s real problem is that as of the last filing in September, Cornyn’s campaign listed $7 Million in the bank and as of Dec, 31 Little Stevie had $47,000.  Steve sure as hell won’t get my vote for Senator, (neither will John) but he certainly gets my vote for Bonehead of the Decade.

Speaking of selective amnesia, it seems to be in the genes of Republicans.  They are so upset with the debt deficit and yet they totally ignore George Warmonger Bush’s Iraq and Afghanistan wars.  A new Harvard University report out says that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have cost us 2 TRILLION dollars so far and will probably end up costing between 4 & 6 Trillion. Why this asshole is not sitting in a cell with his sorry asshole buddy Dick (I Really am a Dick) Cheney is beyond me. After all, ole George can’t even use the “Stand your ground” excuse because neither country had anything to do with 911.

Kentucky pastor Jamie (Have You Hugged Your Snake Today) Coots who did a reality show about snake handling has met reality head-on.  The snake handling preacher was bitten Saturday and is going to get to talk to Jesus personally to see what his views are on snake handling. 

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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