Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The King of Dumb

Congressmoron Louie (I Really am as Dumb as I Look) Gohmert hasn’t always been the King of Dumb.  Looney Louie’s sad saga began a number of years ago after he had failed to get his dream job as a crash test dummy.  It seems he flunked the written test.  He was telling a friend of his that he felt like he wasn’t fit to do any kind of a job.  His friend immediately told him that he was perfect for politics. He went on to tell Louie that he was in best place in world to be elected to Congress because he lived in deep East Texas where some of the dumbest people on the planet resided.

Louie’s got elected but little was heard from him during his first term.  He didn’t know that Congress met in Washington D.C. and simply went down to the courthouse in Tyler, Texas and waited for them to call his name.  Sometime during his second term he caught a ride to the Capitol and after wondering the halls for a couple of weeks found an office with his name on the door.

During Louie’s fourth term he was confronted by some of his constituents who told him that they were disappointed in him because they never saw his name in the paper or heard him on any talk radio shows.  Louie told them that he had been expressing opinions on the various matters before Congress but nobody seemed to care.  They told him the Congress or the media doesn’t want to hear about serious stuff they want someone who will say something outrageous.  Serious stuff doesn’t sell newspapers or get you a spot on Sunday morning TV, they said.

During Louie’s fifth term he let the inner Louie out to play and a star was born.  He had something stupid to say about everything from abortion to religion.  The finial proof that Louie really is the King of Dumb is that the vast majority of the folks in Congress are millionaires.  The interesting thing about that is that most of them were NOT millionaires before going to Washington D.C.  Louie, on the other hand, recently reported that he is $142, 000.00 in debt.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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