Monday, December 30, 2013

A Fats Domino Day

I just saw where Gregg (Hell on Wheels) Abbott, who would like to be the next Governor, King of Texas, attended the Koch Brothers annual summit meeting in New Mexico.  I guess he was out there getting his marching orders and talking points together for the big run.  I understand the motto for his campaign is “Give em’ the Puppy Eyes but Lie Like a Dog.”

I guess we are the lucky ones.  It looks like little Teddy (LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME) Cruz is gearing up for a run at being President of the United States instead of Prime Minister of Canada.  Not only does little Teddy have a dual personality, Joe (I’m Making List and Checking Twice) McCarthy and Richard (I’m Not a Crook, I’m Just Stupid) Nixon, he has dual citizenship with Canada. He has an attorney checking into having his Canadian roots extracted. 

The holidays are rougher on some folks than others. A man in Illinois shot his CEO and then himself during a job review.  The local sheriff said,"All we know is something went wrong in the performance evaluation."  You think….?

I see where the A&E channel is reinstating Daffy Duck Dynasty leader Phil (I Think Ducks Are Gay, That’s Why I Kill Them) Robertson.  Evidently A&E stands for Assholes & Extremist. I wonder why Phil's brother Pat never has him as a guest on the 700 Club?  They sure think alike.

The Republicans rail on and on about government subsidies for the poor but then turn into Helen Keller when it comes to how much big business gets from the Government. A Bloomberg report has calculated that the top 10 US banks receive $83 billion a year in subsidies from the government and a NYT analysis of a Johnson Associates survey found that the top eight US banks set aside $91.44 billion for bonuses in 2013.  How big was your bonus this year?

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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