Friday, December 13, 2013

GOP...Gang of Pessimist

It is amazing how some people can be on the wrong side of every issue, every time, every day.  I am talking about Tea Bonehead Republicans.  Congress has actually come up with a budget deal and guess who is bitching and moaning about it? The Catholic Church has finally come up with a Pope who is trying to actually do the right thing and guess who has a negative opinion of him?  No matter what the question is or what the solution might be, they have one answer. NO, WE DON’T LIKE IT.  They never have an alternative solution, plan or answer, they just say no. They are self-centered obstructionist narrow-minded assholes and have the honor of being the most do-nothing Congress in history.  

Oh wait, they did do something. The Republicans in the Senate stayed up all night talking about nothing, do nothing and accomplishing nothing just to show the world that they were upset about the nuclear option that the Senate enacted recently. They were going to hold their breath until they turned blue but opted for a slumber party instead.

Congressmoron Loonie Louie (Single Digit I.Q.) Gohmert is at again. He got up on the floor of Congress and said that the reason we were having hurricanes and terrible weather conditions is because we don’t have the protection of God anymore. He says God is mad that we allow abortions. Hmmm, so God kills innocent women and children with hurricanes and such because we allow abortions. That Louie, he is a smart one isn’t he. I understand his high school class back in Mount Pleasant, Tx voted him most likely to say something really stupid.

Then there is the unemployed Presidential wantabe Rick (I Should Be In A) Santorum who was praising Nelson Mandela this week and tried to equate Obamacare with Apartheid. Wow, another real genius. I hear his high school class back in Mundelein, Ill voted him most likely to say something really offensive.

How about the World’s Grumpiest Old Man John (I Left My Brains in Vietnam) McCain who was upset that President Obama shook hands with Roul Castro.  This from the asshole who had his smiling picture made with terrorist in Libya.  His high school class in Alexandria, Va voted him most likely to say things that were totally irrelevant to anything.

I always thought Oklahoma’s motto, which they have on their license plates, was kinda dumb.  It is Oklahoma is OK.  Not Oklahoma is Great or Oklahoma is Super or Fantastic.  Well now I get it. It stands for Only Kooks. It seems that in their great wisdom the Oklahoma Republican controlled legislature passed a law allowing for religious monuments to be allowed on the Capitol grounds.  What they had in mind was putting up a monument of the Ten Commanments, but some folks beat them to the punch. A Satanist organization and the Hindus have applied for permits which have greatly upset all those fine intolerant Christians up there.  I am still laughing.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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