Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What The Hell Did He Say?

I remember when George W. Bush first announced that he was going to run for President, a lot people here in Texas said, “All hat and no cattle,” and we know what kind of disaster that turned out to be. Now that Rick (If you thought “W” screwed up the country, wait til you get a load of me) Perry is running, this is what a lot of people here in Texas are saying. “Hell he doesn’t even have a hat.”

I came across this video of Governor Perry on Harold Cook’s blog, Letters From Texas and had to share it with you. It could be Slick Rick's best speech to date.

Michigan Congressman Thaddeus McCotter (R) has dropped out of the presidential race and will endorse Mitt Romney. The main reason he dropped out is that no one knew he had dropped In to the presidential race.

Stay tuned for future adventures.


  1. The bad lip reading was perfect..I laughed my ass off..Thanks.


  2. Absolutely perfect! I have to say this translation is awesome! Thanks for the posting.

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