Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday Twofer

Today is National Defy Superstition Day and National Positive Thinking Day.  Yes two different holidays on the same day that seems to counter act each other.  My first thoughts were that who ever dreamed up these two was either a schizophrenic or prankster.  Hey maybe he was a schizophrenic who like to play pranks. 
So I thought I would celebrate by walking under ladders, letting black cats cross my path, breaking a few mirrors, stepping on every crack in the sidewalk, sitting a hat on a bed, , lighting three cigarettes with one match, killing a ladybug, letting some milk boil over, throwing away my lucky horseshoe and rabbit foot, putting my shoes on a table, leaning a broom on a bed, swallowing a watermelon seed, and opening an umbrella in the house. I plan on doing this while shouting what a great day it is and singing Don’t Worry, Be Happy.

I didn’t watch last nights Republican debate since I had watched the last one and decided that it was two hours of my life completely wasted that I would never get back, but let me guess, they all said they would put 11 million people back to work their first day in office and wouldn’t raise taxes.  Yeah, good luck with that.
Scientist just announced fifty new planets they have found.  Remember when we were told there were only nine planets?  Oh yeah, and the earth was flat and we were the center of the universe.  Amazing how solid, cold hard facts are not as solid and hard as we sometime think.  Texas Governor Slick Rick (I’m so full of bullshit, its running out my boots) Perry might better take another look at climate change data.

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