Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sign, Sign, Everywhere A Sign

There are some folks out there who have really had their world rocked. I’m not sure if they can get up out of bed to face another day. Their life has suddenly been turned upside down. No, I’m not talking about the Atlanta Falcons who I have to admit got their ass handed to em’ by the Green Bay Packers. I’m talking about all the fine folks who believe in astrology.

What if you had been a mean-spirited, narrow minded Republican as long as you can remember and suddenly you find out that you are Democrat? Or you have been a Hatfield your entire life and you wake up and you are a McCoy? Well that is what has happened to folks living their lives as an Aires and suddenly find they are now a Pisces. Whoa buddy….How do you deal with that?

It seems that the earth has a wobble in it’s treck around the sun and through the years it is in a little different place in relationship with the stars and the sun. You see astrology is based on the sun passing through the twelve different constellations in sky. Of course there are actually between thirteen and twenty four constellations that the sun passes through but since that didn’t work well with a twelve month calendar, the astrologers just dealt with twelve of them. Gee, think that might have been a mistake?

It seems to me if the whole premise of the science had a major flaw from the get go, they could sorta overlook the fact that the earth has moved a little bit. I think I know why the earth has a little wobble to it. Look how many more people are walking around on it now as opposed to three thousand years ago. I’m sure science will back me up on this.

With all of this turmoil going on, I understand they have decided to change your daily horoscope to horriblescope. Think of the problems in the bar scene now when some guy ask a girl what her sign is. Instead of her usual response, “Trespassers Will Be Shot.” She will look confused and say “I’m not sure.”

Remember the year of the rabbit begins in February. I predict a population explosion for 2012. If you have any questions about science or the future of the world, please feel free to contact me…..Just not before noon.

Today's good read is Moonlight Mile
by Dennis Lehane. This is an excellent sequel to his book Gone,Baby Gone

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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