Saturday, September 18, 2010

Let's Talk Sex

So I was reading an article the other day and it kept referring to casual sex.   When I got to thinking about it, I wondered if there was such a thing as formal sex.  I mean we have casual dress and formal dress, casual dinning and formal dinning and etc.  It just stands to reason if there is casual sex there must be formal sex. 

It can’t have anything to do with a dress code because I would think in either setting both parties would be naked.  I would think formal sex would consist more of “Pardon me, may I?” and “Oh very lovely.” And a lot of “Oh yes, that is perfect.” And “Oh goodness, that is heavenly.”  Possibly there is, “Oh my, that is quite larg….er, grand.”  And a lot of “Yes please do continue.”  And “Dear me, I do believe I am arriving.” 

I would think the bedside copy of “Everything You Wanted To Know About Sex But Were Afraid To Ask” has been replaced with Emily Post’s book of Etiquette.

And for something entirely different, I just ate in a restaurant that had a sign up by their soda machine that said “refills for dine-in customers only”  Did they really have that many people getting food to go, going home and eating, and then coming back and refilling their drinks? 

A word of warning, according to the synonym police, yelling combustion, ignition, spark or conflagration in a theater is illegal.

This just in, Lindsay Lohan has failed another drug test.  Maybe instead of rehab, they should have sent her to study hall.

After years of research, it appears the first mail order bride in the world was ordered by Cain.

Today's good read is Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins.  It is the second book of her Hunger Games trilogy and maintains the pace set in the first one.  I can't wait to read the third one.


Stay tuned for future adventures.

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