Thursday, August 12, 2010

More Stuff I'm Not Sure About

They say the English language is the hardest to learn.  I know I've been at it for sixty some odd years and have very little grasp of it.  I remember as a small kid seeing a sign hung over a business saying, "LOST OUR LEASE"  Even as a child I remember thinking that a lease was something pretty important so how could you misplace it and why would you tell everybody about it?

  How about, she lost her virginity?  That's a good one.  Lost implies that it might be found safe and sound someday.  I don't think so.  When did we start referring to dead people as Late?  They're not Late, they are never going to be here.  As George Carlin once said, "Why would you use transportation  that uses the words Terminal and Final Destination?"

I heard a guy who had four ex-wives say one time that he could really read women.  I thought his reading might be OK, but his comprehension sucked.  When did the word bad become good and hot turn into cool.  Once I listened to a woman telling her son not to do drugs while standing in front of a Walgreens (a drug store)   No wonder kids are confused about drugs. And don't tell me no, that's medicine.  It was never called The Medicine Store.

I've got a good read that is probably not for everyone.  Sandman Slim by Richard Kadrey is a testosterone, adrenaline loaded noir thriller written with cutting humor about a guy who has managed to escape from Hell bent on finding revenge for the people who sent him there.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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