Monday, August 9, 2010

Around and Around

Do you sometimes feel like you are going in circles?  Does around and around seem familiar?  You know they say everything is cyclical. What made me start thinking about this is how texting and IMs are starting to change our language.  We are using short cuts more and more. I get it. It takes too long to spell everything out when you're texting so we have invented new words with less letters.

If this keeps up, we will have returned to where we started.  Just using grunts and other sounds to communicate instead of having conversations using lots of words.  In some cases this might not be too bad.  I know there are some people I had rather grunt at than having a involved conversation.  Think of it, the next time some dippy politician comes on your tv or radio, he can just grunt a few times and its over with.  Personally I think the impact would be pretty much the same.

Some of the things that have been shorten bug me though.  Have a good day has been shortened to Have a good un'.  What the hell does that mean?  Have a good day, or life or morning. That I understand.  But un'... sorry, don't have a clue.

Why shorten fabulous to fab and supercalifragilistic to super.  Maybe that's not a good example.   I heard a dj on the radio who instead of saying The Goo Goo Dolls, say The Goo.  How dumb is that.  I'm pretty sure if The Goo Goo Dolls wanted to be called The Goo, that's what they would have named themselves.

Goo Goo Dolls (album)

Here is a new read I just finished.  Elysiana by Chris Knopf.

It's set on a little island town off of the New Jersey shore in the summer of 1969.  The author interweaves a number of wacky characters into a funny, poignant, interesting story.

Stay tuned for future adventures.
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