Saturday, August 14, 2010


Many years ago I watched Oral Roberts heal people on TV to raise money for a hospital he wanted to build.  I remember thinking if he could heal people, why in the hell did he need a hospital.  Sometime things are not what they appear to be.  Take the Catholic Church's hands-on training program for altar boys.

The pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars on ads on TV for products (drugs) that they can't sell directly to us.  The retail stores (drug stores) that actually sell the product (drugs) can't sell it to us directly either.  The only way you can get their product is through a doctor (drug dealer). Even prostitutes can work without a pimp.

I heard a man complaining that the economy was in trouble because we had gone off the Gold standard.  Did he really believe there was enough gold in Fort Knox to cover all the paper we have printed? There is not enough gold on the planet to cover that.  

What is it about gold anyway.  Or diamonds too for that matter.  We don't need or use either one for anything that is vital to us. They are shiny and we can make jewelry out of them. There are far more minerals and ores on the planet that are much more important to our daily lives. Someone thousands of years ago decided they were valuable and we have stuck with it ever since.  Talk about the Emperor has no clothes.....Well he does have a big ole diamond ring and large gold necklace.  I think I'm back to the pimp. 

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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