Saturday, January 29, 2022

Here's One For The Books


Let me introduce you to the bonehead here in Texas that is pushing to ban books in school.  He is Matt (Fahrenheit 451) Krause. He is a Republican State Representative who is also a candidate for Attorney General of Texas. Matt is one of the most conservative members of the Texas Legislature. In 2017, he proposed legislation to end no-fault divorce and to require couples to live separately for three years before obtaining a divorce. In 2019, after a measles outbreak, he introduced a bill to make it easier for parents to opt-out their children from school vaccination requirements.

 Matt has come up with a list of 850 books which he thinks should be banned.  After looking through his list, it is apparent that Matt is a misogynistic, homophobic, racist asshole and after looking at his FB page, I believe he is a religious wacko about two steps from snake handling and speaking in tongues.  Of course, speaking in tongues is really no big deal. Drink enough Tequila and anyone can do it.

I understand when little Matt was in the fourth grade, he flunked reading and is still pissed about it, also later in high school he was voted mostly likely to do something stupid.

The runner up for “Book Bonehead” is Stephen (Bigoted) Balch.  Mr. Balch has been appointed to the State Board of Education to review Texas social studies standards.  He is a conspiracy wingnut who has described President Biden’s victory as a “literal coup”. He advocated for Trump to “lead his followers into America’s streets and squares.” He wrote a letter urging officials to disregard the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court ruling against bans on same-sex marriage as an example of another “attack on our constitutional system of government.”


I want to also give a nod to Texas State Representative James Talarico for calling attention to how wrong it would be to appoint Mr. Balch to the State Education Board. 

I am a writer, so I realize I am very biased on this subject, but feel free to share this post with friends who like to read.  Maybe some enterprising entrepreneur out there will start up the “Banned Book of The Month Club.”



Stay tuned for future adventures

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