Wednesday, April 22, 2015

If It's Not One Thing, It's Another

Former Congressmoron Michele (I Really Am Dumber Than Sarah) Bachman keeps saying extremely stupid things so she can keep her name in the public eye. This week she went on the radio and blamed Obama for the end of the world coming. I don’t get it. I thought the evangelicals were all for the rapture so why isn’t she thanking Obama instead of blaming him. I’ve said it before and I will say it again. Personally I’ll be glad as hell when the rapture comes and we will be rid of all of these boneheads.

The fine folks in Parma, Missouri have figured out a way to rid their city council and police department of racist assholes.. They voted in a black woman for mayor and the city’s attorney, the clerk, waste water treatment plant manager and five out of the six members of the police department resigned. Way to go Parma.

Well I guess Texas Senaterrible Rafael (Rhymes with Fidel) Edwardo Cruz is not the Koch brothers favorite step-son after all. Looks like Wisconsin Governor Scott (Street) Walker is has been anointed the number one Koch-Head.  He certainly fits into their anti-government, anti-women, anti-union, anti-immigration, anti-same sex marriage, anti-education view of the world.   

Little Scotty hasn’t officially thrown his hat in the ring yet and there is still the chance that he may not. Back in 2006, Scott told everyone that God told him not to challenge Jim Doyle for governor.  I understand Scotty is hanging by the phone waiting for his orders.

Robert (At Least I’m Not Norman) Bates, the old rich guy who bought his way into being a reserve deputy on the Tulsa, Oklahoma police dept so he could shoot unarmed black people for practice, plead not guilty yesterday and immediately left for a vacation in the Bahamas. It’s a good thing ole Robert didn’t have to go before Judge Judy because she would have made him vacation in Harlem. Remember their state motto: Oklahoma is Okie Dopey.

If you were wondering what happened to former Air Force veteran Michelle (Let Me Wrap Myself in the American Flag) Manhart who was detained by police in Valdosta, Ga for wrestling a American flag away from some student protesters this week. It seems she just wanted to take it home and wear it.  

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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