Friday, April 3, 2015

Good Friday, Kick Ass Saturday, Boring Sunday

Beulah is just down the road from my house. Personally I don’t think my sex life is any of their business.  

To celebrate Good Friday I understand the Catholic Church is having a two for one deal on confessions.  If you bring a friend, you both get a “Get out of Hell Free” card from Jesus.

Bill (America’s Biggest Bully) O’Reilly is upset at those mean ole movie critics who gave bad reviews of the movie “Killing Jesus” which was based on Bill’s ghostwriter’s book.  They didn’t like the part where little Billy wrote himself in to the screenplay as one of the disciples who was right outside of Jesus’s house when they came and took him away.  Also he claimed to have saved his cameraman from the riotous crowd who was crucifying Jesus.  

A number of folks will be commemorating the Original Zombie this weekend.  The “He has risen” signs are all over the place.

As always at this time of year there will be lots of folks pondering that age old question. .  Which came first, the egg or the Easter Bunny?

To the boneheads running Indiana, Arkansas and the other states trying to push through a “Christianity is the only religion” law disguised as a “Religious Freedom” law I leave this quote.  "The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."
--John Adams


Stay tuned for future adventures.

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