Thursday, August 21, 2014

Pondering and Musing

It is obvious that Republicans hate poor people.  They think poor people are poor because they are lazy, don’t care about anything and like being poor. They think poor people are a blight on the planet and don’t need any help. That is why the Republicans hate food stamps and any government program that offers assistance to poor people.

What I can’t wrap my brain around is that none of these bonehead Republicans would ever be elected if it wasn’t for poor people voting for them.


RickPACK has been set up to raise money for Texas Governor Rick (All Hair, No Brains) Perry, but it has a typo.  It should be PrickPACK.

Bank of America has agreed to pay a little over 16 billion dollars for breaking federal and state laws leading up to the financial melt down of 2008.  J.P Morgan has already paid 13 billion and Citigroup 7 billion which brings us to a total of 36 billion dollars in fines so far. This brings up two questions, why hasn’t a single person gone to jail and where does all that money go?  I have the feeling it is like the billions of dollars we sent over to Iraq on pallets that ended up disappearing into thin air.   Oh, and do you think the next time a bank robber gets caught they will let him just pay the money back? I don’t think so.

Wait, stop the presses, hold the phone and other clichés.  This just in.  There was a registered Democrat on the grand jury that indicted Texas Governor Ricky Poo. Well no wonder he was indicted….but wait a minute, there are twelve people on a jury, so how could one Democrat make a difference. ……Oh, I get it. It was more of that voter fraud the TeaNut Republicans are always yammering about.  It seems he voted 19 times.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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