Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Lights Are On but Nobody's Home

I know I have said this before, but I haven’t said it in a while, so I’ll say it again. I don’t like politics but I really can’t stand politicians. I also know it seems I pick on the Republicans and T-Bag-boneheads more than others and that’s because it’s true.  They are so much easier to make fun of and point out their boneheadyness than the Democrats.

So to show you that they are all fair game, Carl Levin, D-Michigan is the BONEHEAD of the week. He stripped a measure from a defense spending bill that would take prosecution of most felony crimes away from commanding officers and give it to independent military prosecutors so the status quo can be maintained.  Obviously good ole boy Carl doesn’t have a daughter or any female relatives in the military.  Or if he does, doesn’t give a shit about them.

Carl said, "It is the chain of command that can and must be held accountable if it fails to change an unacceptable military culture. It is harder to hold someone accountable for their failure to act if you reduce their power to act."  The problem with that statement Carl is they haven’t acted and haven’t been accountable and when you had the power to act, you chickened out and blew it.

 I find it odd that people seem to be so upset with their privacy being invaded and yet they post the most embarrassing things about themselves on Facebook.  As Mark Twain said so eloquently, “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”  

I laugh every time I see another gun nut ranting about his guns being taken away and chanting the Second Amendment as a mantra. These boneheads should really be looking at the Patriot Act.  It is the thing that has the potential to take away a hell of lot more than their precious AK-47 and multiple load clips.  The Patriot Act could be the most un-patriot piece of legislation ever passed. 

One final note, if you have ever tried to make a comment on any of my ramblings, but the site wouldn’t let you, I recently discovered (like yesterday) that I had some button pushed that shouldn’t have been pushed. It is now UN-pushed, so rant away.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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