Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Lone Star Statement

Way to go Senator Wendy Davis on a great filibuster.  Senator Davis came out a winner even with Lt. Governor David (I may not have as much hair as Governor Perry but I am just as big an asshole) Dewhurst trying his best to cheat Senator Davis out of her killing the abortion bill.  For all of the details check out

Texas will execute its 500th person today.  Texas of course is number one in executions. Funny I haven’t heard anything out of the Pro-life folks about this..Oh I forgot, they are Pro-birth not Pro-life. Here are some other things we are number one in. Texas is number one minimum wage jobs, number one in adults without a high school diploma and number one in people without health insurance.  I don’t remember Governor Rick (I really want to be King) Perry giving any of those statistics last year when he was making a fool of himself during the presidential debates.

Every time I hear Tricky Ricky bring up the secession of Texas, my first thoughts are that I am shocked that after giving the world George W. Bush and all of the crap that Perry and the Texas legislature have pulled in the last couple of years, that the rest of the country hasn’t asked us to leave.

Here is a real eye-opener about those boneheads who refer to themselves as members of the Tea Party.  They love to tell everyone how they are a real “grassroots movement” that has evolved into a political party.  The problem is that is one big lie. An academic study by the National Cancer Institute of Health has confirmed that the Tea Party was a secretly planned project by the Koch brothers and the tobacco industry more than ten years ago.   

The Supreme Court had an off day. They actually did something right.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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