Tuesday, June 4, 2013

More Pondering

If it’s called Twitter, why aren’t the folks using it called Twits?  Someone recently said, “Why is it called social media when the majority of stuff written is anti-social?”  Oh that was me a little while back.  I guess I should have tweeted that except I don’t tweet. 

Seems to me that everything attributed to God in the Bible is hearsay because as far as I can tell, there is nothing written by God, only things other people said he said.  I don’t believe it would stand up in court.

Boy it sure is good that Climate Change is a hoax because we would be having snow in May, the worst tornadoes on record, and hurricanes in the winter….Oh wait, we have been having that.

I think maybe the Republican Party should change their mascot to a chicken since they can’t seem to make up their mind of which side of the road to be on. They were so furious with the press over leaks during the Bush years but now they are furious over this White House trying to find out where news leaks originated.

 Poor ole John McCain who has gone from a war hero and highly respected Senator to a grumpy, bumbling out-of-touch old man right before our eyes has done it again.  When asked how the US would know who the good rebels are and who were radicals, he said, “We can identify who these people are. We can help the right people."  It was then pointed out that some of the people he had been photographed with were known kidnappers. Obviously the same crack team who vetted Sara Palin checked these guys out.

The defense attorneys for the Aurora Colorado massacre suspect James Holmes have asked for a change of venue for the trail.  They contend due to the publicity they can’t a fair trial in Denver, which considering the amount of publicity that has been given to the case, leaves only the Moon or Mars as a suitable change.  

I can see why the Generals and Admirals in the armed forces are resisting proposed legislation that would require sexual assault charges to be handled outside of the victim’s chain of command.  In today’s military command there are 976 generals and admirals of which 69 are women.  That’s about 7%.  For some reason, the term “Kangaroo Court” comes to mind.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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