Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Misery Loves Company

Where’s Jimmy? The latest hole being dug up in the search for Jimmy Hoffa is in a field outside of Oakland Township, Michigan.  Jimmy is certainly proving to be much harder to find than his brother Waldo.

The World Wealth Report (what ever the hell that is) said today, 2012 produced a million new millionaires.  If you are reading this, I take it you are not on that list.

If you drive a Chrysler Jeep, then today is not your day.  At least you are not alone; it is not a good day for 2.7 million owners of older model Jeeps which have been recalled.  I understand the guys in Rat Patrol are pissed.  

Darth Cheney had the gall to make this remark this week, “If only the NSA surveillance had been in effect before the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, we might have been able to prevent 9/11.” Ole “I really am a Dick” Cheney seems to have forgotten about this report delivered to President Bush on August 6, 2001. The “presidential daily brief”, a top-secret document prepared by America’s intelligence agencies featured the heading: “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.”

I think the next time I hear somebody say, “You know the Government is listening to all our phone calls”. I’m going to ask them why they think the Government gives a shit what they say on the phone or write on the internet. Of course the reality of all of this crap is that there is no way they can listen all the billions of phone calls that are made everyday. This is just another sound bite that many people repeat and actually never think about if there is any truth to it.

This just in. Good news and bad news at the Jimmy Hoffa dig.  The bad news, they didn’t find Jimmy.  The good news, they found Amelia Earhart.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear that Amelia Earhart was found, but I guess the media is keeping that quiet.
