Friday, June 21, 2013

A Little Bit of This, Some of That.

The Men's Wearhouse board of directors has fired George Zimmer, its bearded executive chairman famous for his TV ads. They said they didn’t like the way he looked.

 Here is something fun to do if you are really bored.  See if you can find a single person who gives a damn where Jimmy Hoffa is buried.


This is something to keep in mind the next time you see one of those big pharmacy ads wanting you ask your doctor to recommend a pill.   If 45 seconds of the 60 second ad is spent telling you all of the horrible side-effects, including death.  You might want to want to re-think asking your doctor.

Here is the scandal that is going to knock the I.R.S., Benghazi, and NSA stories right off the front page.  It seems that Cap’N Crunch is not really a Captain.  A Quaker spokesman was not available to respond to this vital security matter.  Of course, Quakers don’t say much about anything.

Texas Senator Ted (21st century Joe McCarthy) Cruz went on Rush Slimbaugh’s radio rant and said that if the immigration bill is passed, 30 million immigrants will stream into the country in the next decade. I’m pretty sure Little Teddy pulled those numbers out of his ass like most of the other lies he spouts without any proof.  All of this from a person most people don’t pay any attention too and said on a radio show where very few people are listening..

The economy is up, housing is higher than it’s been in five years and unemployment is the lowest it’s been in some time now.  How can this possibly be true?  I mean after all Obama is President and not Mitt Romney.   .

Sadly there will be no more yodeling in the Slim Whitman household. Well not so sad for the neighbors.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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