Friday, May 17, 2013

Oh The Irony

Watching the Republicans self-destruct is almost as much fun as watching Wipeout on TV.  Just about the time the GOP faux do-gooders, those All American pretend-patriots and pseudo purveyors of truth actually get a tiny bit of traction with the Benghazi situation, IRS flap and DOJ snooping. What do they do? They bring out Darth Cheney and Ronald Dumbsfield, two of the biggest liars on the planet to rant about the White House deceiving and lying to the people.  I mean let’s face it; these two assholes make Lance Armstrong look like George Washington.   

I am like every good red-bloodied American and don’t like the IRS either, but I have to say there maybe some things that need to be looked at from both sides.  First of all, most of the problems seem to be coming out of one branch, the IRS Cincinnati office and that is because all applications for political tax-exempt status come out of that office.

From what I have read, that office is very understaffed and due to the Supreme Court ruling in 2010 freeing corporations to give un-limited amounts of money to political groups, the office was over-whelmed with applications.  Now here is the real irony of the Republicans outrage with the IRS targeting the Tea Party. In 2010, seven Republican members of Congress filed complaints with the IRS saying Tea Party groups were engaged in partisan electioneering.

And finally the Republicans are beside themselves with the DOJ subpoenaing the phone records of the AP in trying to find out who leaked a story about the C.I.A spoiling a bomber attack in Yemen. Obviously the Republicans well known selective amnesia has kicked in again and they have totally forgotten about how outraged they were at the New York Times and Washington Post for leaking stories during the Bush years. They ranted and raved about how all those liberal media jerks should be locked up.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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