Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hump Day

 Congressmoron and Tea Party Queen Michele Bachman said yesterday morning that if Minnesota passes the marriage equality law, she was moving out of the state.  I understand by noon there were three Allied Van Line moving trucks, four U-Haul trucks and trailers and a large number of people ready to help her pack.

Oh the poor Tea Party.  I don’t know why they are so upset that the IRS was taking a special look at them.  After all, it’s the first time in their existence that someone has paid attention to them.  What I really think is ridiculous is that the Tea Party claims to be so into the Constitution.  These boneheads have no more read the Constitution than I am the King of Siam.  How do I know this?  Simple, I don’t think this bunch can read, write or spell.  If you don’t believe me, check this out. 

If you are a member of the Tea Party and I have offended you, then I’ve done my job.

Don’t get me wrong, the IRS going after anybody is bullshit, but it is sure not the first time the IRS has targeted groups.  Under George W. Bush, they looked at several liberal groups including Greenpeace.  John F. Kennedy had the IRS look at right-wing groups and Richard Nixon had them go after political opponents.

This past week four or five kids have been involved in the shooting of another kid with a gun because it wasn’t secured or locked up. Maybe instead of background checks for potential gun owners, we should have them take IQ tests; that should eliminate people like this bonehead.


Or this bonehead.

And here are some real humps. The 45 Senators who voted against the gun background bill received 8,165,490 dollars from the NRA.  Here is the complete list and what their vote was worth.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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