I haven’t really been lazy this week. Well maybe a little, but mostly I haven’t written anything because my computer has been “Closed for Repairs,” which is the same thing that Bob Dole said the Republican Party should do. My computer has been down due to a storm that blew through here last Saturday and a lightning strike was close enough to fry a few vital parts.
I don’t think Mother Nature had anything to do with Mr. Dole’s comments about the Republican Party. Their problems are all self-induced. I don’t think the Republican/Tea Boneheads are exploding but instead are imploding. Their narrow-mindedness and lack of empathy or compassion for anything or anyone except themselves is causing their little world to collapse on itself.
And as long as they continue to have the likes of Little Teddy (I vote NO) Cruz, Congressmoron’s Steve Stockman and Looney Gorhmert, Mich (My job is to see that President fails) McConnell, Rick (All hair, No brains) Perry and Rush (All mouth, No brains) Slimebaugh representing their public face, they will soon be a small insignificant minor Party. All I can say is that it couldn’t happen to nicer bunch of assholes.
Stay tuned for future adventures.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Friday, May 24, 2013
Things Beyond my Comprehension
• Why does Wolf Blitzer still have a job on TV?
• Why do people thank God for saving them and never say a word about their neighbor next door who was blown away?
• Why would a woman, Hispanic or Black person be a member of the Republican Party?
• Why would ANYONE be a member of the Tea Party?
• Why would you have a celebrity dance show called Dancing with the Stars and not have any stars?
• Why did the chicken cross the road?
• Why do we have a holiday for Veterans and forget about them the other 364 days of the year?
• Why isn’t Tom Delay in prison?
Stay tuned for future adventures.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Oh The Irony
Watching the Republicans self-destruct is almost as much fun as watching Wipeout on TV. Just about the time the GOP faux do-gooders, those All American pretend-patriots and pseudo purveyors of truth actually get a tiny bit of traction with the Benghazi situation, IRS flap and DOJ snooping. What do they do? They bring out Darth Cheney and Ronald Dumbsfield, two of the biggest liars on the planet to rant about the White House deceiving and lying to the people. I mean let’s face it; these two assholes make Lance Armstrong look like George Washington.
I am like every good red-bloodied American and don’t like the IRS either, but I have to say there maybe some things that need to be looked at from both sides. First of all, most of the problems seem to be coming out of one branch, the IRS Cincinnati office and that is because all applications for political tax-exempt status come out of that office.
From what I have read, that office is very understaffed and due to the Supreme Court ruling in 2010 freeing corporations to give un-limited amounts of money to political groups, the office was over-whelmed with applications. Now here is the real irony of the Republicans outrage with the IRS targeting the Tea Party. In 2010, seven Republican members of Congress filed complaints with the IRS saying Tea Party groups were engaged in partisan electioneering.
And finally the Republicans are beside themselves with the DOJ subpoenaing the phone records of the AP in trying to find out who leaked a story about the C.I.A spoiling a bomber attack in Yemen. Obviously the Republicans well known selective amnesia has kicked in again and they have totally forgotten about how outraged they were at the New York Times and Washington Post for leaking stories during the Bush years. They ranted and raved about how all those liberal media jerks should be locked up.
Stay tuned for future adventures.
I am like every good red-bloodied American and don’t like the IRS either, but I have to say there maybe some things that need to be looked at from both sides. First of all, most of the problems seem to be coming out of one branch, the IRS Cincinnati office and that is because all applications for political tax-exempt status come out of that office.
From what I have read, that office is very understaffed and due to the Supreme Court ruling in 2010 freeing corporations to give un-limited amounts of money to political groups, the office was over-whelmed with applications. Now here is the real irony of the Republicans outrage with the IRS targeting the Tea Party. In 2010, seven Republican members of Congress filed complaints with the IRS saying Tea Party groups were engaged in partisan electioneering.
And finally the Republicans are beside themselves with the DOJ subpoenaing the phone records of the AP in trying to find out who leaked a story about the C.I.A spoiling a bomber attack in Yemen. Obviously the Republicans well known selective amnesia has kicked in again and they have totally forgotten about how outraged they were at the New York Times and Washington Post for leaking stories during the Bush years. They ranted and raved about how all those liberal media jerks should be locked up.
Stay tuned for future adventures.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Hump Day
Congressmoron and Tea Party Queen Michele Bachman said yesterday morning that if Minnesota passes the marriage equality law, she was moving out of the state. I understand by noon there were three Allied Van Line moving trucks, four U-Haul trucks and trailers and a large number of people ready to help her pack.
Oh the poor Tea Party. I don’t know why they are so upset that the IRS was taking a special look at them. After all, it’s the first time in their existence that someone has paid attention to them. What I really think is ridiculous is that the Tea Party claims to be so into the Constitution. These boneheads have no more read the Constitution than I am the King of Siam. How do I know this? Simple, I don’t think this bunch can read, write or spell. If you don’t believe me, check this out. http://bit.ly/12y7NEQ
If you are a member of the Tea Party and I have offended you, then I’ve done my job.
Don’t get me wrong, the IRS going after anybody is bullshit, but it is sure not the first time the IRS has targeted groups. Under George W. Bush, they looked at several liberal groups including Greenpeace. John F. Kennedy had the IRS look at right-wing groups and Richard Nixon had them go after political opponents.
Or this bonehead.
And here are some real humps. The 45 Senators who voted against the gun background bill received 8,165,490 dollars from the NRA. Here is the complete list and what their vote was worth. http://bit.ly/17ZWYip
Stay tuned for future adventures.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Rodney's Believe It or Not
Senator John Mccain, who as you know is a decorated veteran from the War of 1812, was asked recently why he was so upset over the Benghazi situation; he replied that it was simple. He said Ben Gazzara was one of his favorite actors and that “Run for Your Life” was a great TV show. John also said he would work tirelessly to find out if Hillary had him killed.
When told of the number of rapes now surfacing in the military forces against women, Wayne the Pimp of the NRA said he bet those women probably wished they were armed.
Senator Rand Paul said in a speech last week in Iowa that “the search for the new leader of the free world begins right here in Iowa.” He went on to say that he had full confidence in the Iowa Highway Patrol in finding him.
Barbara Walters is retiring from her long career in television. Barbara, of course got her start as a field reporter during the Civil War.
Minnesota is supposedly the next state to legalize gay marriage. Congressmoron, Michele Bachman’s husband, Marcus plans to celebrate by finally coming out of the closet and file for divorce.
Martha Stewart’s recent revelation that she has a hard time finding dates has brought out the fact that actors, singers, politicians, executives and other high-profile individuals often have the problem of finding anyone who will give their narcissistic, egotistical, pompous personalities the time of day.
The IRS has said they had a valid reason for targeting the Tea Party groups. They figured since they couldn’t spell, they sure as hell couldn’t do their taxes right.
The Republican News Network (I know they call themselves Fox News but we all know the truth) said today that the election of 2012 is invalid by reason of insanity since they believe nobody in their right mind would have voted for a black man as President.
Stay tuned for future adventures.
When told of the number of rapes now surfacing in the military forces against women, Wayne the Pimp of the NRA said he bet those women probably wished they were armed.
Senator Rand Paul said in a speech last week in Iowa that “the search for the new leader of the free world begins right here in Iowa.” He went on to say that he had full confidence in the Iowa Highway Patrol in finding him.
Barbara Walters is retiring from her long career in television. Barbara, of course got her start as a field reporter during the Civil War.
Minnesota is supposedly the next state to legalize gay marriage. Congressmoron, Michele Bachman’s husband, Marcus plans to celebrate by finally coming out of the closet and file for divorce.
Martha Stewart’s recent revelation that she has a hard time finding dates has brought out the fact that actors, singers, politicians, executives and other high-profile individuals often have the problem of finding anyone who will give their narcissistic, egotistical, pompous personalities the time of day.
The IRS has said they had a valid reason for targeting the Tea Party groups. They figured since they couldn’t spell, they sure as hell couldn’t do their taxes right.
The Republican News Network (I know they call themselves Fox News but we all know the truth) said today that the election of 2012 is invalid by reason of insanity since they believe nobody in their right mind would have voted for a black man as President.
Stay tuned for future adventures.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Pondering, Ruminating, Thinking and Questioning
We, as a society, have decided that a child shouldn’t be able to do or participate in certain activities because they don’t have the experience or maturity to handle them so isn’t it amazing that there is no age limit for owning a gun. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, twice as many children die from guns than from cancer in the United States.
Texas State District Judge Stephen Thomas has determined that it is ok for cheerleaders to display Bible verses at high school football games. Gee I wonder if he would have ruled the same way if the cheerleaders wanted to display verses from the Koran or Torah Prophets.
I find the outrage the Republicans are ranting about over the Embassy deaths in Benghazi is really nothing more than political bull shit. Yes the deaths are a tragedy but I don’t recall the same Republicans being outraged over the 11 Embassy attacks and 14 deaths on George W. Bush’s watch. There were a total of 3 congressional hearings on those attacks and so far there have already been 9 hearings on Benghazi. I also don’t recall them being outraged at W, Condoleeza Rice, the F.B.I., the C.I.A or the Pentagon over 9/11. Personally I believe they are mostly upset by the impending death of the GOP.
A final thought before I go. If you are against abortions, please quit calling yourselves Pro-lifers. You are anti-abortionist. That is fine. You have every right to be against abortion and you should never have one, but statistics show that most people who refer to themselves as Pro-life are for the death penalty and I sure as hell don’t hear of them out adopting babies. So if you are against abortions, please have the courage to call yourself an anti-abortionist.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Not All Changes Are Good
Not too long ago, NRA stood for the National Rifle Association. It was an organization of responsible gun owners, collectors and hunters but since Executive Vice-President, Wayne LaPierre has taken control, it has changed. LaPierre is French for “The Pimp” and Wayne the Pimp has really lived up to his name.
Wayne the Pimp’s big mantra is the 2nd Amendment but the truth is, Wayne could give damn about the 2nd Amendment. You see, Wayne doesn’t believe in the 2nd amendment, he just uses it. He uses it to pimp for the gun manufactures which is his real job. Now NRA stands for Neocon Redneck Assholes which is a collection of ultra-conservative, paranoid, Civil War re-enactor wacko gun nuts.
My solution is that we use the Barney Fife rule. We let these idiots have all the guns they want, but no bullets.
Stay tuned for future adventures.
Wayne the Pimp’s big mantra is the 2nd Amendment but the truth is, Wayne could give damn about the 2nd Amendment. You see, Wayne doesn’t believe in the 2nd amendment, he just uses it. He uses it to pimp for the gun manufactures which is his real job. Now NRA stands for Neocon Redneck Assholes which is a collection of ultra-conservative, paranoid, Civil War re-enactor wacko gun nuts.
My solution is that we use the Barney Fife rule. We let these idiots have all the guns they want, but no bullets.
Stay tuned for future adventures.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
• The family in Kentucky whose 5 year old son shot and killed his 2 year old sister with the 22 rifle they had given him for his birthday
• The New Hampshire man losing his entire life savings trying to win a game on the mid-way at a carnival
• The three college friends of the Boston bombers taking stuff from his dorm room and then lying to the F.B.I. about it
• Lindsay Lohan starting her 90 days of rehab by bringing 270 different wardrobe changes with her
• Lindsay Lohan for skipping out of rehab already
• The Veterans Administration for the 900,000 veterans still waiting for their benefits; some for almost three years
• The BP commercials telling us how great of a company they are
• The 46 Senators who voted against background checks when polls show that over 90% of the country are for them
• The entire congregation of the Church of Cornith in Cornith, Texas for standing behind their Pastor after he was arrested for trying to coerce a teenager into stripping for him even though the whole sleazy episode was caught on tape
• And the inductees so far for the Dumb-Ass Hall of Fame 2013, God-Awful Governor Rick( All Hair, No Brains)Perry, Senaterrible Little Teddy (All Mouth, No Brains) Cruz, Congressmoron Loony Gomert, Congressmoron Steve(The Snake) Stockman, Sarah (Half-Assed Governor) Palin, Supreme Court Justice Clarence (God, I wish I were white) Thomas and Ted(The Stooge) Nugent
Stay tuned for future adventures.
• The New Hampshire man losing his entire life savings trying to win a game on the mid-way at a carnival
• The three college friends of the Boston bombers taking stuff from his dorm room and then lying to the F.B.I. about it
• Lindsay Lohan starting her 90 days of rehab by bringing 270 different wardrobe changes with her
• Lindsay Lohan for skipping out of rehab already
• The Veterans Administration for the 900,000 veterans still waiting for their benefits; some for almost three years
• The BP commercials telling us how great of a company they are
• The 46 Senators who voted against background checks when polls show that over 90% of the country are for them
• The entire congregation of the Church of Cornith in Cornith, Texas for standing behind their Pastor after he was arrested for trying to coerce a teenager into stripping for him even though the whole sleazy episode was caught on tape
• And the inductees so far for the Dumb-Ass Hall of Fame 2013, God-Awful Governor Rick( All Hair, No Brains)Perry, Senaterrible Little Teddy (All Mouth, No Brains) Cruz, Congressmoron Loony Gomert, Congressmoron Steve(The Snake) Stockman, Sarah (Half-Assed Governor) Palin, Supreme Court Justice Clarence (God, I wish I were white) Thomas and Ted(The Stooge) Nugent
Stay tuned for future adventures.
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