Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Harrumph Day

Looks like the Republicans are starting to send in the big guns, or is it clowns. Tim(talk about bullshit, I’ve got) Pawlenty, former governor of Minnesota, has announced he is running for President.  He said, "I'm going to take a different approach. I am going to tell you the truth."  Here are my thoughts on that statement.  Anytime you have to tell people you are telling the truth, you are probably lying.  The honest person automatically thinks you think he is telling you the truth. 

One thing for sure about Tim (talk about bullshit, I’ve got) Pawlenty, is that if you happen to be poor, abused or orphaned because you were unlucky enough to be born to bad parents, don’t expect any help from him.  Here is quote from Tim in 2001 when he was a member of the Minnesota House of Representatives. "Children who are victims of failed personal responsibility are not my problem, nor are they the problem for our government.”  Of course he is Pro-Life, he just doesn’t care if you have a very good life.  Just another Compassionate Conservative at work.  

He also said on the Today show. “I’ll bring the solutions forward that will actually fix the country.”  Gee I wonder if he is going to fix the country like he fixed Minnesota.  The former Governor left Minnesota with the largest deficit in 152 years.  Yeah, he fixed those Minnesotans alright. Also remember that Tim is the guy who came in second to Sarah Palin when John McCain was deciding on a running mate.

Here is a real winner or should I say whiner. Rick (I need to be in a) Santorum, former Republican Senator from Pennsylvania is expected to throw his room key into the fray next week.  He is another Compassionate Conservative who is a major gay basher, pro-lifer, isolationist who is not even considered a long shot.  To be considered to be a long shot, you at least have to have a chance.

In the words of that famous political pundit Michael Vick, so far this election is shaping up to be a fight between a Rottweiler and a couple of Chihuahuas.

And speaking of clowns, Rush (I’m living proof that drugs cause brain damage) Slimebaugh and Sean (I’m even dumber than Rush) Hannity ratings are down about 30%.  Looks like these boneheads are finally talking their way out of a gig.  Of course the majority of their audience is made up of old white males which is pretty much the same make-up of the GOP.(grumpy old people).

Harold (two strikes) Camping is at it again. Now he says Judgment Day will be Oct 21st.  Damn, and I have a great Halloween costume for this year.  I was going to go as Newton Leroy(nitwit) Gingrich.  All I need is a shoe to stick in my mouth. 

Joesph Brooks, who wrote“You Light up my life” possibly the sappiest song ever written and recorded, killed himself this week at the age of 73.  I’m surprised he let himself live this long.   Before you think I am too harsh on Joe, he was awaiting trial on allegations that he lured women to his apartment through an online ad offering auditions for a movie role and then raped them.

Today's good read is The Trinity Six by Charles Cumming.  This is a well written Cold War spy novel that puts a new spin one of Britain's most  notorious spy rings.  

Stay tuned for future adventures.
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