Friday, May 13, 2011

Big Oil Or Big Brother?

Conoco/Phillps sent out a press release this week saying it would be un-American to take away their tax breaks. The five major oil companies are showing a profit of $125 billion dollars this year. That’s $125 billion PROFIT….

What’s really un-American is that Senator Orin (I really need to be in the booby) Hatch defended them. Wow, you would think that the oil companies had maybe slipped a few dollars in Orin’s collection plate. Yeah, like around $255,000. They probably took that out of petty cash.

Speaking of oil, the price of oil has dropped significantly in the past couple of weeks including the single biggest one day drop in three years. Have you seen a drop in gasoline prices? “What goes up must come down,” only applies to the law of gravity not the price of gasoline at the pump.

James Tate, a senior at Shelton High School in Connecticut snuck onto school grounds last week to post 12-inch-tall letters to a wall outside of the school's entrance. The message read: "Sonali Rodrigues, Will you go to the prom with me? HMU -Tate." HMU is short for hit me up, or call me.

Sonali said yes, but Beth( The wicked Yankee witch from the east) Smith, the school headmaster, has said no. She says James broke the rules so she suspended him and is banning him from going to the prom. Sounds to me like Beth (I have a large stick up my ass) Smith probably never got asked to go the prom and now James is going to pay.

Congrats to Senator John McCain for finally doing something right. His speech slamming the rumor that we got the info for finding Bin Laden from water boarding was right on the money. Of course he still has a lot of making-up to do for subjecting the country to Sarah Palin, but this is a start.

Bristol Palin says that she underwent corrective jaw surgery, not plastic surgery. She says there was absolutely no plastic used at all. She also said that her mother really does read every magazine and newspaper in the world and keeps an eye on Russia from her front porch.

Harold Camping, co-founder of Family Radio, a network of Christian radio stations, is proclaiming May 21st. as Judgment Day. Ole Harold had first warned of an apocalypse that was supposed to have taken place Sept. 6, 1994. What a dumb ass. Everyone knows the world will end in 2012. Obviously Harold doesn’t have a Mayan Calendar.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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