Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Real Queen Of The Tea Party

When the Tea Party first steeped from under a rock, I thought it had to do with the Boston Tea Party, but as the stupid signs (Take America Back and I’m Tea Bagging for Jesus) popped up, I became convinced it was the Mad Hatter from the tea party in Alice in Wonderland.  Wrong again, and guess what, the real Queen of the Tea Party is not Sarah Palin after all but Ayn Rand.

If you are not familiar with Ms Rand, she was born and raised in Russia and after coming to America became a novelist and pseudo-philosopher.  Her best known works are “The Fountainhead” and “Atlas Shrugged.”

Now I get it who Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan and most of his fellow Tea Partiers think has caused the real problems in our country.  It’s the poor people. Yes sir it is those evil poor people who are wrecking havoc on America.  The Tea Partiers and Congressman Ryan are big fans of Ayn Rand, especially “Atlas Shrugged” a work of fiction that Ms. Rand describes as the demonstration of a new moral philosophy: the morality of rational self-interest. Ms. Rand believed and expounded on the theory that the capitalists were the producers and that the worker-bees were useless parasites.

The thing that jumps out at you in Congressman Ryan’s just released “Path to Prosperity” manifesto, are that most of these polices, such as his extremely boneheaded health care policy, will make even more people poor. I guess there is only so much room at the top.   

Here is another contradiction in the life of conservative Republican Ryan.  Every policy change of the last decade that INCREASED the deficit (the Medicare prescription-drug benefit, the Bush tax cuts, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan) good ole conservative Ryan voted FOR.

Ryan also claims that his “Path to Prosperity” budget manifesto is geared to reduce the debt;  however most of these policies have nothing to do with reducing the deficit and will actually  increase it.. The bottom line is that the poorest Americans would suffer from instant explicit budget cuts.  The biggest section of the country, the middle class, would face uncertain reductions in benefits in the distant future and the richest Americans would enjoy an immediate windfall. Business as usual.


Teachers getting pink slips can thank Governor Rick Hairdo. Part of the state’s budget problems are because Mr. Perry refused stimulus money from the Federal Government. He only turned his nose up at $830 million dollars.  Hairdo said strings were attached that he didn’t like. If I were a teacher I would want to string him up.

After a night of deep pondering, it is evident that NASA was way more pissed off about us tearing down Astroworld than I thought

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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1 comment:

  1. That hat is enough to scare me. Looks like she had a pointy head.
