Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Creepy People And It Is Not Even Halloween

Okay, I will no longer refer to the so called third political group as the Tea Party.  These boneheads have absolutely nothing in common with the folks who dumped some tea in Boston Harbor these many years ago.  From now until forever or until I think of another name, I will refer to these nitwits as the Kool-Aid party and boy have they been drinkin’ it.

The Kool-Aid party is what happens when the other two parties become so sleazy, greedy and self-serving that everybody finally realizes how horrible a job they are doing.  The Kool-Aid party could also be known as The Knee Jerk party, jerk being the operative word here. You see the first people to rush in the door when this vacuum is created are always the ones with least knowledge and experience but with the biggest mouth and ego.
They can also be referred to as The Fault Finder party.  They have no solutions, they just point out everything that is wrong. (In their eyes of course). Fault finding takes no talent, no creativity or knowledge of anything deeper than where they had their last meal.Their motto is "No."

The Kool-Aid party thinks that they are patriotic, religious, and all around good Americans.  They are in reality narrow minded, insecure, afraid of anything they don’t understand or doesn’t look like them and are actually sheep that can be led to slaughter with the simplest of ease, like a wink and a “You betcha.”. As Bill Mahr so eloquently states it, The Kool-Aid party is Corporate America’s useful idiots.   .   

Why is it that gas prices can go up overnight but take months for them to come back down?  Could it be the oil companies are doing a little price gouging?   YOU THINK?…. Exactly how can it be that when something happens in the Middle East, the oil that is in reserve, the gas that has already been refined, goes up the next day?  Yet, months after things cool down or change, we still are paying too much at the pump. 

And don’t give me that crap about how we don’t have a high tax on gas like Europe and they have been paying over $5 dollars a gallon for years,  I don’t care… I don’t live in Europe, it has nothing to do with me.  I live here and the damn gas is a scam.  The oil companies make billions, BILLIONS and I don’t see them giving back anything. 

In fact we give them all kinds of tax breaks and subsidies.  I wrote about this last month (In a post called The Gas Scam) about the paper traders who run up the price of oil and yet never actually take possession of a single drop of crude. 

It is price gouging and there are laws against that so why doesn’t someone (insert favorite politician here) have the balls to go after them?  You think maybe some of that oil money ends up in their bank account?

I am sure plenty of good hard working Texans were praying for rain over the last week-end because Gov. Rick (I may be hair-brained but I have a great hair-do) Perry asked them to. The sad truth is we didn’t even get heavy morning dew.

I think the good Lord was really busy.  Every player in the NFL, two NBA players, a race car driver and three baseball players thanked him for helping them win. Then there was some guy who finally passed his automatic transmission repair course test, a lady who won $10 dollars playing the lottery, and a kid who made it another week on American Idol who also gave him full credit.  Hey, he’s got his priorities….

Stay tuned for future adventures

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